Scots Living in England & Wales in 1851 (Download)
Code:This file gives details of over 13,000 Scots-born people and their families who were living in England and Wales when the 1851 census was taken. As far as possible where a Scots born person was found on the census, all the household with whom he or she were living is included especially if he or she was the head of the household, Where a Scot was a lodger or servant, then only this person may only be included.
The file lists names of some of the Scots that were found living in the counties of Berkshire, Cheshire, Co.Durham, Devon, Dorset, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Kent, Lancashire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northumberland, Somerset, Warwickshire and Westmorland. Towns that were fully searched are Bolton, Bristol, Dover, Folkestone, Southampton, St.Helens, Wigan and parts of Manchester and Salford. Also Anglesey, Isle of Man & Jersey are included.
An example taken from the census: Ann Adamson, Head, Married, age 20 , born Scotland, living in North Shields.