Salford Diocesan Archive
Trafford Park St Antony of Padua (RC)
Code:£8.00 inc VAT for customers within the EU
Baptisms 1904-1926, Confirmations 1918-1927 & Marriages 1905-1926
Transcribed & Edited by L.R. Gregory in association with the Salford Diocesan Archives. The Trafford Park Dwellings Ltd was formed in 1899, to establish a new village within Trafford Park and by 1907 over 700 houses had been constructed to accommodate workers within the newly developed Industrial Estate. In 1904, a new mission was established to serve the Catholic Community in the village dedicated to St Antony of Padua. The corrugated iron church was erected at the cost of the new Parishioners and Fr James Thomson was sent to take charge. He was succeeded by FrCornelius Hughes in 1908. The Trafford Park Village fell victim to slum-clearance during the 1970s and 80s and the parish was adapted as an Industrial Chaplaincy remaining open for services until 2009 when at the retirement of the Parish Priest; Fr Joe Carter, the parish was dissolved and regular services in the church ceased.. The Sacramental Registers were removed to the neighbouring church of St Ann, Stretford, where the Parish Priest Fr John Hitchen kindly made them available.